The 7 best SafetyCulture alternatives in 2024

Key sections

People love SafetyCulture and for good reason: Since they bought iAuditor they have become an attractive safety audit software option. 

Of course, that doesn’t mean it’s always going to be the right tool for your H&S team, and you might now need to look for a SafetyCulture alternative to cope with growing needs. 

The likelihood is that you started out with SafetyCulture as a quick fix to get basic inspections and audits on a digital platform but your H&S needs have grown beyond basic inspections and audits or you simply want to bring everything into one piece of software. 


You probably now want a system that can handle:


✅  Risk assessments

✅  Accident & Incident 

✅  Proper document management 

✅ As well as audits and inspections plus much more.


Other issues raised by SafetyCulture users: 

7 of the best SafetyCulture alternatives


1 Evalu-8 EHS – The best SafetyCulture alternative if you need to centralise every aspect of your Health & Safety management whilst being price-conscious

2 FluixA good SafetyCulture alternative if you do not need more H&S features and simply want to look for an alternative.

3. Go AuditsA good SafetyCulture alternative for small teams only focusing on audits and inspections. 

4. EvotixAn enterprise alternative to SafetyCulture

5.  Safetybank A good SafetyCulture alternative to consider if you don’t need too much additional functionality. 

6. EcoOnline – A SafetyCulture alternative best considered by companies with a large budget and a focus on COSHH

7.  Work Wallet – A SafetyCulture alternative best suited to companies that need site management

The best SafetyCulture alternative if you need to centralise every aspect of your Health & Safety management whilst being price-conscious

Evalu-8 EHS Pros:

  1. Everything you need to manage all your H&S is included
  2. Extremely customisable documents and processes
  3. The system can handle growth

Evalu-8 EHS Cons:

  1. No free plan

When comparing SafetyCulture and Evalu-8 EHS, it’s clear that both platforms have robust features tailored to enhance workplace safety and compliance. However, Evalu-8 EHS stands out in several key areas that make it the preferred choice for H&S teams looking for a more complete upgrade. 

Evalu-8 EHS has been a contender in the EHS software market for a significant period, demonstrating a level of maturity and reliability that has attracted household names such as Rolls Royce, Daikin and many more. 

Its comprehensive feature set offers advanced capabilities that surpass those of SafetyCulture. For instance, Evalu-8 EHS provides totally customisable audits and inspection checklists, as well as the ability to create, share and manage RAMS, COSHH, Risk Assessments and more. 

But it’s the sophisticated reporting and analytics features of Evalu-8 EHS that truly set it apart. Users can generate detailed reports and visualise data trends more effectively, enabling a deeper understanding of safety performance and areas for improvement. This level of insight is crucial for proactive safety management and continuous improvement, areas where SafetyCulture’s offerings fall short.

SafetyCulture does offer a user-friendly interface and straightforward functionalities, making it a good entry-level option. However, with simplicity comes limitations. 

Moreover, Evalu-8 EHS supports a range of automation features that improve operational efficiency. For example, it allows you to set up automated notifications and reminders for inspections, audits, and tasks, ensuring that critical tasks are never overlooked.

Standout features include:

SafetyCulture’s free plan is appealing for those just starting out, but as companies grow and their needs become more complex, the advanced functionalities and integrations of Evalu-8 EHS become indispensable. For businesses ready to elevate their safety management practices, Evalu-8 EHS represents the logical next step.

In summary, while SafetyCulture offers a good foundation for basic safety management needs, Evalu-8 EHS delivers superior flexibility, advanced reporting, seamless integration, and powerful automation. These features collectively make Evalu-8 EHS the preferred choice for EHS teams aiming to achieve the highest standards of workplace safety and efficiency.

Take an instant tour of the best SafetyCulture alternative now

A good SafetyCulture alternative if you do not need more H&S features and simply want to look for an alternative.

Fluix Pros:

  1. Nice interface
  2. Mobile app

Fluix Cons:

  1. Modular price plan 
  2. Limited functionality beyond forms
  3. US-based company may cause support issues for UK companies

When comparing SafetyCulture and Fluix, it’s important to recognize that both platforms offer robust solutions for safety and compliance management. However, for organizations seeking a straightforward alternative without the need for extensive health and safety (H&S) features, Fluix emerges as a compelling option.

While Evalu-8 EHS remains the top recommendation for those looking to advance their safety management systems comprehensively, Fluix presents itself as a strong contender for those prioritizing ease of use and efficiency in mobile form handling and workflow automation.

Fluix shines with its key capability of mobile forms and checklists. This feature enables users to create and customize digital forms and checklists, which significantly enhances real-time data collection, especially beneficial for field operations. The ability to efficiently gather and report data on-the-go using mobile devices can streamline the reporting process and improve task completion rates.

In comparison, SafetyCulture also offers mobile forms and checklists but tends to be more feature-rich, which can sometimes lead to a steeper learning curve for users who only require basic functionalities. Fluix, with its streamlined approach, offers a simpler, more intuitive experience for those who need to focus on core operations without getting bogged down by additional features.

Standout features include:

Template Libary

Template Libary

Template Libary

Offline mode



Workflow automation is another powerful aspect of Fluix. It reduces the burden of manual administrative tasks, ensuring that processes are carried out consistently and promptly. This automation capability can lead to significant time savings and increased operational efficiency. SafetyCulture does offer some automation features, but Fluix’s emphasis on simplicity and efficiency makes it a preferable choice for organizations looking to optimize their workflow processes without the need for more complex H&S functionalities.

While SafetyCulture provides a robust platform for comprehensive safety management, it can sometimes be more than what is needed for organizations looking for a straightforward, efficient tool. Fluix steps in as an excellent alternative in such cases, offering essential functionalities without the added complexity.

In summary, Fluix serves as a strong alternative to SafetyCulture for organizations that do not require extensive H&S features but still need reliable mobile forms, checklists, and workflow automation. While Evalu-8 EHS remains the preferred software for comprehensive safety management, Fluix provides a streamlined and efficient option for those looking to enhance their operational processes with minimal complexity.


A good SafetyCulture alternative for small teams only focusing on audits and inspections.

GoAudits Pros:

  1. Good support
  2. Easy to use

GoAudits Cons:

  1. Must be online to use
  2. H&S team needs to sync reports to see updated reports

When comparing SafetyCulture and GoAudits, it becomes evident that both platforms offer valuable solutions for safety and compliance management. However, for small teams focused primarily on audits and inspections, GoAudits presents itself as a compelling alternative. GoAudits stands out for its specialization in audit and inspection processes.

GoAudits excels in conducting internal safety audits, risk self-assessments, fire safety inspections, OSHA reviews, safety walk-throughs, workplace safety training, field-level hazard assessments, and incident reporting. Its ability to ensure consistent workplace safety with standardized safety checklists is a significant advantage for small teams looking to maintain high safety standards with streamlined processes.

SafetyCulture also provides robust tools for audits and inspections, but it tends to offer a broader range of features that may be overwhelming for smaller teams focused solely on these tasks. GoAudits, on the other hand, offers a more tailored approach, making it easier for users to navigate and utilize its features specifically designed for audits and inspections.

For teams looking to ensure consistent workplace safety, GoAudits’ standardized safety checklists are particularly beneficial. These checklists help maintain uniformity across various safety procedures, ensuring that all safety protocols are followed meticulously. This feature can significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of safety audits and inspections, reducing the likelihood of oversights.

In comparison, while SafetyCulture provides customizable checklists and a wide array of safety management tools, its extensive feature set can sometimes lead to a steeper learning curve and unnecessary complexity for smaller teams. GoAudits, with its focus on audits and inspections, offers a more straightforward and user-friendly experience.

GoAudits also shines in its ability to conduct various types of safety assessments and training. This versatility allows small teams to cover all essential safety aspects without needing to switch between different platforms. SafetyCulture, while versatile, may be more suitable for larger organizations with broader safety management needs.

Despite GoAudits being an excellent choice for small teams focusing on audits and inspections, Evalu-8 EHS still stands out as the preferred software for those seeking an all-encompassing safety management solution. Evalu-8 EHS provides advanced reporting, deeper integration capabilities, and more sophisticated automation tools, making it ideal for organizations aiming to achieve comprehensive workplace safety and efficiency.


In summary, GoAudits serves as a strong alternative to SafetyCulture for small teams dedicated to audits and inspections. Its focus on conducting various safety assessments and maintaining consistent workplace safety through standardised checklists makes it a practical and efficient choice.

An enterprise alternative SafetyCulture

Evotix Pros:

  1. A well-developed suite of modules
  2. Advanced COSHH features

Evotix Cons:

  1. Out of budget for 95% of companies
  2. You don’t get access to all features. 

When comparing SafetyCulture and Evotix, both platforms offer robust solutions for safety and compliance management. However, for enterprises seeking an extensive and scalable alternative, Evotix stands out as a strong option.


Evotix is designed to meet the complex needs of large organizations, providing a suite of tools that cover everything from incident reporting and risk assessments to compliance management and safety training. This makes it well-suited for enterprises that require a high level of integration and scalability in their safety management systems. SafetyCulture, while versatile and user-friendly, may not offer the same depth of features required by larger organizations.


One of Evotix’s strengths is its ability to streamline safety processes through advanced automation and integration capabilities. This ensures that safety procedures are consistently followed, reducing the administrative burden on safety teams. SafetyCulture, while powerful, might necessitate more manual intervention, which can be a drawback for large-scale operations.


However, it’s important to note the significant price difference between Evotix and Evalu-8 EHS. Evotix’s modules start at £20,000 per year, which can be a substantial barrier for many companies. In contrast, Evalu-8 EHS offers a full suite of features for just £3,000 per year, providing almost identical functionality at a fraction of the cost.

Evotix's modules start at £20,000 per year, with a bundle starting at £36,000 + other costs

In summary, Evotix serves as a strong enterprise alternative to SafetyCulture, offering a robust and scalable safety management solution. However, for those seeking a cost-effective option with a similar range of features, Evalu-8 EHS remains the preferred choice, providing comprehensive safety management tools at a significantly lower price point. 


This makes Evalu-8 EHS the ideal solution for organizations aiming to achieve high standards of workplace safety and efficiency without the financial burden associated with more expensive platforms like Evotix.

A good SafetyCulture alternative to consider if you don’t need too much additional functionality.

SafetyBank Pros:

  1. Nice interface
  2. Focused features

SafetyBank Cons:

  1. No reviews
  2. H&S team needs to sync reports to see updated reports.

When comparing SafetyCulture and Safetybank, both platforms offer valuable solutions for managing health and safety information. However, for those seeking a straightforward, efficient alternative without needing extensive additional functionality, Safetybank presents itself as a solid choice. While Evalu-8 EHS remains the preferred option for its comprehensive features and affordability, Safetybank stands out for its simplicity and ease of use.


Safetybank, founded in 2003 by leading industry experts, was designed to be a straightforward solution for recording, monitoring, managing, and sharing health and safety information securely online. This makes it particularly appealing for organizations that require a reliable platform without the need for a wide array of extra features. SafetyCulture, on the other hand, offers a broader range of functionalities, which can be beneficial for those with more complex safety management needs but may be overwhelming for users seeking simplicity.


Safetybank excels in providing a secure and efficient way to handle health and safety data. Its user-friendly interface and straightforward approach ensure that users can easily record and access necessary information without the steep learning curve that can come with more feature-rich platforms. This can be particularly beneficial for smaller teams or organizations that prioritize ease of use over extensive customization options.

While SafetyCulture offers extensive customization and a wide range of tools for safety management, it might be more than what some organizations need. For those who prefer a more streamlined solution, Safetybank provides all the essential features required to maintain effective health and safety records, without the added complexity.


In summary, Safetybank serves as a good alternative to SafetyCulture for organizations that do not require a plethora of additional features. Its straightforward approach and secure online platform make it an effective solution for recording and managing health and safety information. However, for those needing a more comprehensive set of tools at an affordable price, Evalu-8 EHS remains the preferred choice, offering extensive functionality and excellent value for money.

A SafetyCulture alternative best considered by companies with a large budget and a focus on COSHH

EcoOnline Software

EcoOnline Pros:

  1. Well known brand

EcoOnline Cons:

  1. Strong focus on COSHH
  2.  High cost

When comparing SafetyCulture and EcoOnline, both platforms offer robust solutions for safety and compliance management. However, for companies with a significant focus on chemical management and a larger budget, EcoOnline presents itself as a strong alternative. While Evalu-8 EHS remains the preferred choice due to its comprehensive features and budget-friendly nature, EcoOnline stands out for its specialized capabilities in chemical safety.


EcoOnline provides a complete end-to-end chemical management solution. This includes a fully incorporated and up-to-date chemical database, which ensures that users have access to the latest safety information. The platform also features QR codes that allow for easy access to safety data sheets and other critical information from anywhere, enhancing both safety and compliance.


SafetyCulture, while versatile and user-friendly, does not specialize in chemical management to the extent that EcoOnline does. For companies where chemical safety is paramount, EcoOnline offers tailored features that simplify the handling, storage, and documentation of chemicals. This specialization ensures that all chemical-related processes are managed efficiently and safely, which is crucial for compliance with regulations such as COSHH.


One of the key advantages of EcoOnline is its ability to integrate chemical management with broader health and safety management features. This means that teams can manage their chemical safety needs while also benefiting from additional health and safety tools. 


SafetyCulture, although comprehensive, might not provide the same level of integration and focus on chemical safety, making EcoOnline a better fit for companies with specific chemical management requirements.

However, it’s important to consider the cost implications. EcoOnline’s extensive features and specialized capabilities come with a higher price point, which may be a barrier for some organizations. 


Modules start at a significant cost, making it more suitable for companies with larger budgets.

In summary, EcoOnline serves as a strong alternative to SafetyCulture for companies with a significant focus on chemical management and the budget to support a more specialized solution. Its comprehensive chemical management tools and additional health and safety features make it an effective choice for ensuring compliance and safety in operations involving hazardous substances. However, for those seeking a cost-effective solution with a broad range of features, Evalu-8 EHS remains the preferred choice, offering comprehensive safety management tools at a significantly lower price point.

A SafetyCulture alternative best suited to companies that need site management

Work Wallet Pros:

  1. Well-optimised for mobile

Work Wallet Cons:

  1. A strong focus on construction
  2. Lacking in broader H&S tools.

When comparing SafetyCulture and Work Wallet, both platforms offer valuable solutions for safety and compliance management. However, for companies specifically needing robust construction site management, Work Wallet emerges as a strong alternative. While Evalu-8 EHS remains the top recommendation for its comprehensive features and affordability, Work Wallet stands out for its specialized focus on the construction industry.


Work Wallet provides a suite of simple-to-use tools accessible on mobile, tablet, and PC, allowing construction teams quick access to all the health and safety features they need to operate safely. This makes it particularly suitable for the dynamic and often demanding environment of construction sites, where ease of access and real-time updates are critical.


SafetyCulture also offers a versatile platform with extensive safety management tools, but it may not cater specifically to the unique needs of construction site management as effectively as Work Wallet. For construction companies, having a tool that is designed with their specific challenges in mind can lead to more efficient and effective safety practices.


One of the key advantages of Work Wallet is its focus on providing mobile solutions that ensure teams in the field can easily access and update safety information. This mobility is crucial in construction, where workers are frequently on the move and need immediate access to safety documents, checklists, and reporting tools. SafetyCulture, while mobile-friendly, offers a broader range of features that might be more than what is necessary for construction-specific tasks.


Work Wallet’s suite of tools includes essential features for construction site management, such as incident reporting, safety checklists, and compliance tracking, all tailored to the construction industry. This targeted approach ensures that construction teams have the right tools to maintain safety and compliance without being overwhelmed by unnecessary features.


In comparison, Work Wallet excels in providing a streamlined, construction-focused solution. Its simple, user-friendly interface ensures that teams can quickly and easily access the tools they need, reducing the risk of safety incidents and ensuring compliance with industry standards.


In summary, Work Wallet serves as an excellent alternative to SafetyCulture for companies needing dedicated construction site management tools. Its mobile-friendly suite of features tailored specifically for the construction industry makes it a practical and efficient choice. 

Take an instant tour of the best SafetyCulture alternative now

Picture of By Josh McNicholas
By Josh McNicholas

Josh is a driving force in modern organisational excellence, holding a distinct knack for cultivating thriving work environments. With a focus that stretches from team dynamics to the very fabric of workplace safety, his insight resonate with companies eager to foster both human potential and operational integrity.

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