Below you will find some commonly asked questions. Click on the plus sign next to each question to reveal the answer. If you cannot find the answer you are looking for, please either click on the chat icon in the bottom right corner or contact us. We will be happy to answer any questions.

Indeed it will! Evalu-8 is a virtual filing cabinet,enabling your organisation to be environmentally friendly and GDPR compliant. You can upload, create, distribute and store documents of any type within Evalu-8. You can request employees to inform you they have read and understood the document and sign for the document. Documents can be categorised and access/visibility controlled and there are useful reports too.

Evalu-8 was designed by a team of human resources, health and safety, training and assessing professionals along with senior managers from a wide variety of organisations. Having used multiple competing software systems for many years Evalu-8 has been developed to be comprehensive, easy to use and affordable

Yes, absolutely. We offer charities a 25% discount.

Our mission was to provide a system that is comprehensive, easy to use and affordable. The creators of Evalu-8 were frustrated when we were users of other systems that provided a base product for a small fee, but then charged extra for additional features. We decided to create a comprehensive software system for one fee. Ultimately, Evalu-8 is a SaaS tool which means our operations are as streamlined as possible and this keeps our overheads low.

There are no minimum or maximum employee number restrictions, Evalu-8 caters for businesses with 4,000 employees, right down to 4 employees. Usergroups/permission levels are completely configurable so you can have as many or few as you require and there is no impact on cost.

You will be sent a monthly invoice payable via Direct Debit.

Yes, a full push and pull API is available, please talk to our team about your specific requirements.

Our HR software package gives you access to all HR features, including future development. You benefit from all features and can simply turn off anything you do not want or need. Our H&S software package provides access to all health and safety features. Our combined human resources and health and safety software gives you access to everything.

No, all customers benefit from having all features available, no expensive bolt-ons here!

We offer 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 year contracts with a 3 month notice period at the end of your chosen contract length. This allows you to lock in your price for as long as you want, assisting with budget planning and ensuring you get the best deal for as long as possible.

Yes, Evalu-8 is cloud based so you only need an internet connection. You can set up sites for any country in the world and Evalu-8 accommodates multiple currencies and public holidays etc…

Very! Evalu-8 is held on AWS (Amazon Web Servers) which are widely regarded as the some of the most secure servers globally. The data is encrypted and stored in the UK (London). We currently hold the Cyber Essentials certificate and are ISO27001 certified.

Copyright Evalu-8 Software Ltd 2024

Evalu-8 Software Ltd

Earl Business Centre



0161 5289466