RAMS software

Create complex Risk assessment and method statements in minutes

Streamline your Risk Assessment Method Statement process to produce branded documents in minutes and ensure compliance with regulations.

Digitise your Risk Assessment Method Statements and easily build layouts specific to your work

Make it easy for your team to complete detailed and targeted RAMS by creating your own RAMS templates or duplicate projects in one click for rapid completion of similar projects.

Everything you need to create job specific Risk Assessment Method Statement in under 10 minutes

Rapid RAMS creation, on any device

Create RAMS on mobile

Create an easy-to-follow workflow that allows you to create RAMS in minutes on any device, in any location.

Professionally formatted RAMS Documents

Stop spending hours trying to format your RAMS document in Word. Evalu-8 EHS instantly automatically creates professionally formatted documents. 


Drive accountability and capture signatures with E-sign available on any kind of document.

Centralised RAMS managment

Centralise RAMS managment

Make managing your RAMS documents easy with a centralised database of all documents. 

Auto-fill information with on click

Save hours of time with auto-fill, select the information you need and let Evalu-8 do the work.

4 different ways to share your RAMS

Effortlessly share your RAMS documents with your team or customers via public links, in-software access, QR codes or downloadable PDF.

Easy to follow workflows

With RAMS workflows it makes it easy for any member of your team to complete a full RAMS document and ensure nothing is missed.

Generate unique, shareable RAMS documents with integrated COSHH assessments in minutes, not hours, specific to the job at hand.

With our RAMS (Risk Assessment and Method Statement) software you can create customised RAMS documents in minutes, save significant time and effort, and stay compliant with regulations. Just some of the RAMS created with Evalu-8 EHS:

✅ Construction Site Safety 

Electrical Work

Asbestos Removal 

Demolition Work 

Chemical Handling 

Confined Space Entry 

Fire Safety 

Working at Heights 

Manual Handling 

Machinery Operation 

Hazardous Material Transport

Welding and Cutting 

Excavation and Trenching 

Scaffolding Erection and Dismantling

Roadwork and Traffic Management

Any layout

Instantly generate branded shareable documents

Complete them on any device from any location

Easy to follow workflow

Complete Risk Assessment Method Statements on a mobile or tablet

Increase efficiency and accuracy by completing Risk Assessment Method Statements directly on your mobile or tablet, allowing for real-time safety information input and removing duplicate data.

Create RAMS on any device

Attach COSHH

Effortlessly share your RAMS documents with your team or customers via public links, in-software access, QR codes or downloadable PDF.

Ad-hoc Sections

Not every job is the same and sometimes you just need to add an ad-hoc section to a pre-made RAMS. Do this in one click in Evalu-8 EHS.

Trusted by health and safety teams from companies like

Create RAMS 15x faster, access them anywhere and share in seconds.

Accelerate the creation of risk assessments and method statements, allowing you to complete them 15 times faster. Access your RAMS from any device, ensuring you have the information you need, whenever and wherever you need it. Instantly share documents with your team or clients streamlining communication and enhancing collaboration for improved safety management.

Why Evalu-8 EHS RAMS software

RAMS software you will love

Our RAMS software streamlines your risk assessments and method statements process, making it faster and easier to manage safety documentation. With an intuitive interface and powerful features, you’ll save time, reduce errors, and ensure compliance with safety regulations. 

Simplifies the creation and management of RAMS.

Reduces administrative workload and speeds up documentation

Minimizes errors and ensures regulatory compliance

Access and complete RAMS from any device, anywhere

The quick and easy way to write and share RAMS you’re looking for.

Take a self guided your of Evalu-8 RAMS now 👇

“It has brought all of our health and safety under one roof and made it easy for me to see all the data”


What is the purpose of a RAMS document?

A Risk Assessment and Method Statement (RAMS) document serves to identify potential hazards in the workplace, evaluate associated risks, and outline the necessary control measures and procedures to minimize those risks. It ensures that both employees and employers understand their responsibilities in maintaining a safe working environment.

Who is responsible for creating and maintaining RAMS documents?

Employers, managers, or designated health and safety personnel are responsible for creating and maintaining RAMS documents. They must ensure that all employees are informed, trained, and understand the risks and control measures outlined in the RAMS documents.

How often should RAMS documents be reviewed and updated?

RAMS documents should be reviewed and updated regularly, typically at least annually or whenever there are significant changes to the workplace, tasks, equipment, or personnel. Additionally, a review should be conducted if an incident or near-miss occurs, indicating potential gaps in the existing RAMS.

Copyright Evalu-8 Software Ltd 2023




Evalu-8 Software Ltd

Earl Business Centre



0161 5289466