Compliance Features

Save time

Find the information you need within seconds of logging in.

Reduce effort

Everything you and your colleagues need in one easy to use tool.

Save money

Evalu-8 is so comprehensive it negates the need for other software systems.

Add security

All company information is stored securely and is fully GDPR compliant.

We have your business covered…

Check out some of the features below to see how Evalu-8 will support your organisation in meeting its legal or regulatory obligations

Create checklists to ensure everything that needs to be covered, gets covered. Whether it’s an induction, onboarding, to-do list or just a sanity checker; you can customise checklists, save progress and return to complete them and report to stakeholders.

Make it easy for employees to receive important policies, safe working procedures, toolbox talks, contracts, handbooks and so on via the company documents section. Create or upload any type of document, send to the relevant employees and track them to ensure they have been read, understood and signed for. Produce an audit trail of compliance that is accessible on any device, at any time.


Never miss an important date, whether it is a reminder, expiry, end of contract or probation, Evalu-8 enables you to set deadlines and dates and report on them.

Add security to your business by using the permissions section to create user groups and only provide access to the features employees within those groups require, to complete their work. All data within Evalu-8 is stored securely in the EU.

Evalu-8 comes with a significant number of pre-set reports providing you and your colleagues with up to date information. In addition, you can build your own report using any field within the system and choose to display information the way you want to see it. Add conditions and permission rules to ensure you remain GDPR compliant.

See a log of all changes made within the system and by whom

A list of employees that should currently be working, by site.

Keep everything in one place

Ensure licence numbers and expiry dates are recorded

Keep within GDPR guidance by permanently removing former employee’s data after a defined period of time.

Plus much more…

bright hr
people hr
bamboo hr

© Copyright Evalu-8 Software Ltd 2022

Evalu-8 Software Ltd
Earl Business Centre,
Oldham OL8 2PF
0845 6492997